Picture:Andy Oliver. Regal Hotel Conference Centre, Hong Kong
Back to London tomorrow night on the wonderful Emirates A380. Then its back to reality and squeaky swivel chairs.
Here are just a few of the great quotes from the Hong Kong conference.
Bella Ling, Director of Integrated Communications, Taiwan & China, SAP China: "Being cautious with social media does not mean being scared."
Genevieve Hilton, Regional Head of External Corporate Communications, Asia Pacific, BASF: "If people are talking about you, wouldn't you rather be in the room?" (on why your company should be on social media).
Max Sim,Vice President at Bluecurrent Group: "When targetting bloggers, go for the magic middle."
Andy Oliver, SVP Asia Pacific at Lewis PR: "Communicators have never had so many ways to communicate their messages."
Lars Voedisch, Managing Media Consultant, Asia Pacific, Dow Jones & Co: "Same game, slightly different rules. Now it's wires, print, broadcast and social media."
Jon Wade, Head of Digital Practice, Asia Pacific, Weber Shandwick: "Measure outcomes not outputs in PR campaigns".
Chris Deri, CEO, Burson-Marsteller China: "Walmart, as an economy, is as big as Poland. We need to look wider at how to break through with our clients mission statements". (See yesterday's blog).
Thanks to all the speakers and delegates in Singapore and Hong Kong for two unforgettable conferences!
You can follow the debate at the conferences by searching on Twitter for #smrdigital
(Posted from Wanchai, Hong Kong)
Thank you for doing such a great job as chairman for the conference!